I believe this is related to a JW who died back in 1971 when he bled
to death after having his wisdom teeth pulled:
flowers were attached to the gates of the kingdom hall--ryde i o wight uk today in memory of keith playford, who lost his life aged 28 for want of a blood transfusion.
he was survived by 2 daughters.
although this kh was no way connected with him--it is the nearest to his neice--who placed the flowers in his memory.. .
I believe this is related to a JW who died back in 1971 when he bled
to death after having his wisdom teeth pulled:
this is an updated version of personal accounts involving the blood issue.if you have one of your own or know of one that you think should be includedplease let me know.
lee http://ajwrb.org/experiences/stories-that-break-hearts
Bye bye birdie: Please send us the details of the story and we will consider it for publication.
Blues Brother: The site is undergoing a complete redesign at this time. Thank you.
this is an updated version of personal accounts involving the blood issue.if you have one of your own or know of one that you think should be includedplease let me know.
lee http://ajwrb.org/experiences/stories-that-break-hearts
This is an updated version of personal accounts involving the blood issue. If you have one of your own or know of one that you think should be included please let me know. Lee http://ajwrb.org/experiences/stories-that-break-hearts
new article on ajwrb.
debbie shards storyposted on july 22, 2014 by lee elderi was raised as a jehovahs witness in a family that was associated from about 1910. i grew up truly believing it was the truth.
New article on AJWRB
Posted on July 22, 2014 by Lee Elder
I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in a family that was associated from about 1910. I grew up truly believing it was the truth. There were many issues, as I got older that disturbed my conscience and I want to tell my story. My Dad was an Elder for many years. He developed kidney disease, which eventually stopped all kidney function, and he went on dialysis.
The subject of a transplant came up, and my parents searched the Watchtower publications to see what the society had to say, and found that it was not permissible, so he did not have a transplant. He was on dialysis for several years, but it was not enough. He died in 1978, and the society changed their policy, to make it a matter of conscience in 1980.
Name: Arvid Einar Moody – Born: Aug 1910 – Died: May 1978 in Cambridge Mass. To view the death certificate, click here.
I believe Dad was baptized in 1929, and I have a picture of his baptism…in fact lots of family pictures of all witness activities including assemblies, sound cars, etc…as well as the portable phonograph and Rutherford records…also a very large number of books going back to the turn of the century.
Dad was an elder in the Hyde Park Congregation on River St. in Hyde Park, MA. Dad designed the hall. He was sound servant for our circuit, and most district assemblies in our area. He was well-known in the area, and fairly well-known at headquarters. He was friends with Al Schroeder (Governing Body member), and Charlie Meng of the art department.
I have a 16-year-old son, who must attend the kingdom hall every other Sunday with his father (who is still a witness) He does not believe the Watchtower, and does not wish to attend. His father has even resorted to calling the police to force him to go, when he resisted. Recently my ex-husband gave my son a blood card to carry in his wallet. My son does not believe as my husband does, yet my ex-husband would have him carry this card, which expresses not my son’s beliefs, but his own…even to the point of risking my son’s life for something that my son does not believe. On the back of the card, my ex-husband scratched out (our) son and replaced it with (my) son, thus erasing my parental input in the matter. He signed it as though he was the only parent. Obviously, my son will not carry the card, but gave it to me instead.
The incredible control that the organization has over people’s lives still amazes me….and saddens me. May God bless your efforts!
In His Love,
Debbie Shard
we have just published a new article at ajwrb entitled:.
watchtower approved blood transfusions.
We have just published a new article at AJWRB entitled:
Watchtower Approved Blood Transfusions
In the article we break down all of the various types of procedures
and blood transfusions Jehovah's Witnesses are permitted
to chose from these days. It will be an eye opener for many.
this is a new article that we've just published:.
lee elder.
Then ask them to read the links at the end of the article instead.
They would also benefit from this article written by a non-JW physician.
Saying no to blood carries its own greater set of risks.
this is a new article that we've just published:.
lee elder.
My understanding is that newly bapitized individuals are given the DPA.
The fact that there is no yearly reminder to make sure its completed and
carried at all times is clearly a change. I think its difficult to interpret
why this change was made. It may well be indicative of something - I'm
just not sure what. I have a private email from a current HLC member
from yesterday stating that there has been no change and the material
from the District Convention this year implies no change. So it may be that
the elders have a letter from 2013 or perhaps a verbal or written instruction from
their KM (elder) school that the Secretary will see to it that any newly
bapitized individual receives and completes a DPA.
this is a new article that we've just published:.
lee elder.
There is no longer an annual distribution and signing of a "No Blood Card"
or Advanced Directive. Beginning in 2004 they switched to a one time Durable
Power of Attorney - designed and printed according to the laws of each
individual state. What does appear to have changed is the annual service
meeting part to remind everyone of the importance of having the form and
carrying the pocket sized version with them at all times. The last time there
was a regularly scheduled such meeting was in January of 2012 per the
WTS publication Our Kingdom Ministry. This does represet a change in a
long standing policy but it is difficult to interpret.
this is a new article that we've just published:.
lee elder.
I will be looking for your message.
this is a new article that we've just published:.
lee elder.
JW GoneBad: That is significant imo. If you could privately send me contact information for
this person it might save some lives. My email address is: [email protected]
Thank you.
Honesty: Ignore the haters.